Most popularly used language in web development, it is a must-learn for all aspiring programmers and full-stack web developers.

1. Introduction to JAVA
2. OOP in JAVA
3. JAVA Work Enviromental setup, Compilation and Execution
1. Datatypes, Variable, Keywords, Comments, Modifiers
1. Classes, Objects and Methods
2. SImple JAVA Programs
3. JAVA Programs and Methods
1. Constructors and Destructors
2. Program
1. Decision Making
2. Looping Structure
3. Java Decicion Making Programs
4. Java Looping Structure programs
1. Arrays
2. Multi dimensional arrays
3. Arrays Programs
1. Packages
2. Packages Program
1. Static
2. Inner Class
3. Final
4. Abstract
1. Inheritence and its Types
2. Inheritence Programs
1. Abstraction and Interfaces
2. Interface Programs
1. Strings
2. String Programs
1. Exception
2. Exception Programs
1. Introduction to Streams
2. Hierarchy of Streams
3. Input and Output Stream classes
4. Reader and Writter classes
5. Programs using input and output and streams
6. Program using redaer and writter classes
1. Thread Life Cycle
2. Thread Programs
1. Generic Classes and Methods
2. Java Generic Programs
1. Frames and Components
2. Working with 2d Shapes
1. Event Handlers
2. Event handling Program
1. Swing
2. Programs with Swing